Details of FIGURE-CARING 2022 EUROFLEETS+ cruise - CTD and bottle data


Dataset identification

Title of datasetFIGURE-CARING 2022 EUROFLEETS+ cruise - CTD and bottle data
Narrative summary of datasetCTD and bottle data collected during the EUROFLEETS+ FIGURE-CARING projects with R/V Atlantic Explorer in July 2022 in the Gulf Stream. FIGURE project aims to study the fine scales shaping nitrogen fixation in the Gulf Stream where CARING project studies the Carbon irrigation to the North-Atlantic by the Gulf stream. The sampling strategy comprises CTD and discrete sampling of the water column between surface and 2000 dbar as a maximum depth along two transects. CTD and bottle data have been processed by LOPS/Ifremer
Summary of processing methodologyCTD data were calibrated with Seabird post-processing software and the LOPS calibration suite developed by LOPS/IFREMER in Matlab language (CADHYAC)
Project/programmeEUROFLEETS+: An Alliance of European marine research infrastructure to meet the evolving needs of the research and industrial communities
  • 486_18002940
  • Start date2022-07-23
    End date2022-07-26

    Responsible organisations

    Organisation nameLaboratory for Ocean Physics and Satellite remote
    Role of organisationOriginator of Dataset
    How to citeFIGURE-CARING Eurofleet+ 2022 cruise CTD data

    Dataset availability


    Latitude north boundary37.5
    Longitude east boundary-65.44
    Latitude south boundary31.25
    Longitude west boundary-72.5
    Sea areaNorth Atlantic Ocean
    Northwest Atlantic Ocean (40W)

    Data types, collection and processing

    Observation typePigments
    Dissolved gases
    Other physical oceanographic measurements
    Water column temperature and salinity
    ParameterElectrical conductivity of the water column
    Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
    Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
    Salinity of the water column
    Density of the water column
    Temperature of the water column
    Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column
    Instrument typeCTD
    discrete water samplers
    Instrument nameNiskin bottle
    Platform typeresearch vessel
    Platform nameAtlantic Explorer

    Process information

    Submitting organisationLaboratory for Ocean Physics and Satellite remote
    Submission identifier (UUID)538df51a-45d3-4380-9106-027ab5dd99b4
    Date of dataset creation2022-10-25
    Date of metadata creation2023-01-03
    Date of metadata latest revision2023-05-12
    Date of publishing2023-05-31
    Date of processed dataset publication2023-10-12
    Processing data centreRoyal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Operational Directorate Natural Environment, Belgian Marine Data Centre
    Summary record-ID1337