Details of Station_Institute_20170101-20181125


Dataset identification

Title of datasetStation_Institute_20170101-20181125
Narrative summary of datasetStation_Institute time series 20170101-20181125
Start date2017-01-01
End date2018-11-25
Frequency of observationsminute to sub-hour

Responsible organisations

Organisation nameInstitute of Oceanography and Fisheries
Role of organisationDataset Holding Organisation

Dataset availability

Original dataset download link
Dataset formatNetwork Common Data Form
Public accessNo limitations
License for useCC BY-SA 4.0


Latitude north boundary43.508419987758
Longitude east boundary16.388077139854
Latitude south boundary43.508419987758
Longitude west boundary16.388077139854
Sea areaAdriatic Sea

Data types, collection and processing

Observation typeOther physical oceanographic measurements
ParameterAir pressure
Air temperature
Atmospheric humidity
Solar Radiation
Wind strength and direction
Instrument typemeteorological packages
Instrument nameDavis Instruments Vantage Pro2 Plus 6162C (cabled) weather station

Process information

Submitting organisationETT S.p.A.
Submission identifier (UUID)b1fcd794-9581-472e-94a3-4eab24877b7c
Date of dataset creation2018-11-25
Date of metadata creation2018-11-27
Date of metadata latest revision2023-12-22
Date of publishing2024-01-08
Processing data centreInstitute of Oceanography and Fisheries
Summary record-ID1424